unveils the Amazon Fashion Squad at Mood Indigo

Amazon Fashion Squad - Kya Pehnu?
The Amazon Fashion Squad truck was all set to make its presence felt at “Mood Indigo” (the IIT college festival) & promote Amazon’s new fashion section.
Students from on-campus and around came to visit the vanity van, some to get their queries answered, others just curious.
They were anxious and excited to have the fashion squad team solve all their fashion hair and makeup problems.
Kudos to for unveiling ‘Amazon Fashion Squad’, a panel of experts who address customer queries on fashion dilemmas.
So you may ask whats #KyaPehnu?
The basic idea of #KyaPehnu is the one repeated question you have every day whether its for work, interviews, presentations, college, going out, night out with friends or just a simple romantic meet-up. With the emergence of amazons new fashion section one can apply different tips to your daily style and solve your issues of #KyaPehnu.
Now no more blank stares at your wardrobe trying to address the never ending dilemma“Kya Pehnu?”
Thanks to we finally have a go-to place where you can learn how to express your own style statement
Here is a brief account of some visitors at the Fashion Squad truck. It was a mix of boys and girls, with a lot of questions, with quite a few questions from the boys.
Vicky (Student in the above pic) asked for tips on how to manage and get a pimple free face. He was advised to drink a lot of water and apply a moisturizer daily.
Naman (Student in the above pic) asked the team if he should get a man bun.
The team replied that he has wavy hair and so it would definitely look good on him.
They advised him to shampoo his hair backwards so that the bun would be easier to form in the later stage.
Arjoo (Student above) commented her experience was super beneficial and she loved it. She got great tips on how to get rid of dry hair. She asked the fashion team expert Manish tips on what outfits can help her look taller. So he advised her to avoid maxi dresses & to prefer shorts as it add a lot of height by showing a lot more of your legs.
He then mentioned that a crop top is a good option and one can just throw on a shirt. Overall always play with a-line stuff to look taller & avoid body hugging dresses as it makes you look dwarfed.
Sahana (Student on left above) received great tips on how to manage her frizzy hair.
The team hair expert Ambrin suggested use of a product when the hair is dry and the best way to control the frizz is to braid it when sleeping.
If your hair is naturally frizzy use a serum that is portable and can be carried around in a hand-bag. Just put a few drops n use it during the day to maintain the frizz.
She also suggested use of a hydrant shampoo from the professional ranges.
Rishubh (Student in the middle in the pic) questioned about his dry hair and the team advised him to stop using his current product and instead use a product from Bed Head shampoo range.
Amogh & his friends (Picture above) were concerned about how they can take care of their hair better. Hair expert Ambrin suggested a hair spa at least twice a month as its a deep conditioning technique which is good for the healthy hair.
Nayan (Student above) had questions about his sensitive skin and was advised use of a sunblock.
At the end many students got their queries answered and were delighted to be gifted Amazon vouchers to purchase anything they liked.
Here are a few of the happy faces 😀