Epic Love Story

love strong
A vacation in Mumbai,
In this unplanned short stay,
No one knew but Valentine’s Cupid,
That the love card was gonna play.
Two hearts in a very casual meet,
From different corners of this nation,
Smiles here, chatter there,
Thoughts and dreams filled the conversation.
And just when love began,
To bloom and grow into a beautiful flower,
The Mumbai stay had ended,
Throwing the lovers apart and afar.
Though both time and distance
Worked hard at their level best,
They couldn’t break this unique union,
Both hearts had cleared their test.
And finally on a beautiful, beautiful day
Right in the middle of June,
In the midst of family and friends,
Under the golden sun-lit moon…
These two hearts stood near,
And with God as their witness,
Took their vows of love,
And then sealed it with a kiss.
Years have flown by the two hearts
While holding hands they continue on their way,
All the time feeling as though,
Their epic love story, just happened yesterday…..