Relax, Rejuvenate, Recharge

four fountains spa
�Quiet is peace. Tranquility. Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. Silence is pushing the off button. Shutting it down. All of it.� ? Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner
How do we push this “off” button? We often look for the best way to take a break from our busy urban lifestyles, looking to find a tranquil place to unwind, to release all the knots in our mind. It is so important to take some time off for ourselves to recharge and refresh. How frequently do we forget this need? The need to enjoy good health and wellness which is backbone to our never ending ambitions. Coaxing the stress out is so crucial to the longevity of life and there are numerous scientific studies hinting at stress, both physical and mental, being the number one killer for city goers.
This need of finding my “off” button pushed me into the Ayurvedic therapy at NuAyurveda Clinic which is a relaxation experience aimed at promoting good health and longevity.

I had booked my appointment earlier last week, and after having received a confirmation call, was really looking forward to my relaxation retreat after a tough week!

I arrived at NuAyurveda Clinic late in the afternoon and was warmly greeted by staff who introduced me to the various options I had.

This was followed by a doctors consultation with a plan specifically directed at my body needs and wellness with a prescription.

NuAyurveda Clinic is an ideal place for lavish and luxurious detoxification with an ambience that starts working on your subconscious as soon as you enter the place

All treatments take a three pronged approach to cure your problems: medicinal oils, massage therapies and lifestyle counseling. This ensures that your de-stressing begins from the roots and not just treated at the symptom level.

The oils used are medicated herbal oils which soothe the body while the aromas gently unwind the knotted mind.
The massage room looked simple, neat and clean. Every room had an individual shower room, which was really nice and steamingly private ^_^ For today’s treatment, I had chosen Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage simply because my body felt worn out and needed a lot of pampering. Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage Treatment is a full body massage from head-to-toe using warm medicated oils, followed by a soothing steam bath.

Disposable undergarments, shower caps and disposable towels are very accessible. The therapist will leave you alone in the room to change into the therapy outfit and once you’re done, you need to ring a traditional bell to call the therapist back into your room again. The therapists are thoroughly professional in their approach and any sort of awkwardness concerning privacy is completely avoided.

As the massage progressed, it felt rejuvenating and I felt my body tone down as though a load was lifted off my back. Every flowing massage stroke caused a wave of relaxation to flow down my spine. Although the number of strokes and pressure used varies based on an individual requirement, every wave of relaxation had me begging for more. The pressured massage helps increase blood circulation, thereby channelizing rapid elimination of cellular toxins from the body. The herbs in the medicated oils revive body tissue by detoxifying at a subcellular level. Abhyanga prevents early wrinkles and scaling of skin, reduces joint stiffness & pain, while improving immune resistance power, decelerating the aging process, and hastening recovery from fatigue.

The Body Massage Treatment lasted 45 minutes. It started off with the head massage where the therapist applied oil first to the crown of the head and worked slowly out from there in circular strokes�spending a couple of minutes massaging the entire scalp. She then moved on to long strokes on the limbs (arms and legs) and circular strokes on the joints (elbows and knees) and finally massaged the feet.
The session went through so smoothly that it left me in a relaxation trance in which time just flew by. The therapist was very skillful, and I felt my body tension simmer down like ice cream over a hot brownie.

At the end of the massage, I enjoyed some steam which was followed by a hot steamy shower. There was plenty of shampoo and body wash available to wash of any residual oil on my skin. I then enjoyed a cup of green tea that was offered by the staff.

I loved the relaxing body massage, and could literally feel my stress melt away into the serene ambient music.

It is advisable to get Abhyanga at least once every 15 days.
Benefits of Abhyanga
- Nourishes the entire body�decreases the effects of aging
- Imparts muscle tone and vigor to the tissues of the body
- Imparts a firmness to the limbs & helps reduce body aches and pains-Pain Management
- Lubricates the joints
- Increases circulation
- Stimulates the internal organs of the body
- It is carried out as a precursor to other treatments for Gastric Problems
- Assists in elimination of impurities from the body
- Improves body lymph flow, aiding in detoxification.
- Increases stamina.
- It improves the circulatory and lymphatic system of the body thereby enhancing the immunity system.
- Calms the nerves-Stress Reduction
- Benefits sleep�better, deeper sleep
- Enhances vision.
- Helps improve skin texture and helps exfoliate the skin. Regular application promotes hair-growth, declines premature greying and strengthens hair roots & base.
- Softens and smoothens skin; wrinkles are reduced and disappear.
- Cures spodylosis.
- It provides the much needed warmth and nourishment to individual muscle fibers by establishing proper blood supply and source of vital nutrients-Paralysis
- Helps loosen out excess subcutaneous body fats.-Weight Loss
Not recommended (contraindicated) in cases of : Acute illnesses and fever, extreme obesity, during menstruation, early pregnancy or in the few weeks after a heart attack.

So if you are looking for a sure shot way to relax and take your mind off your mundane stressful life, get pampered and experience natural healing and rejuvenating processes.